Hi Penny, Roberta, and Jeremiah,

This is super late, but thanks again for everything last November. You were all very welcoming and helpful thought me stay. I left a token with Penny that I hope you were able to get. Those three pieces are the start to a project I am working to get off the ground. I wanted to get it started while I was at the Residency though things have stalled a bit since. My hope is in the coming months I will be able to focus on the work and things will be further along come the summer.

Right now this webpage is only viewable through like I sent Penny, which is why I am writing directly to you on it. Again my hope is that it will be more complete in the summer months.

You will notice on the right that will be the first iteration of the piece. You each have one of the three components that make up this small sculpture. So essential between the three of you, you can recreate it. Below is a couple images of some of the parts finished so far. My hope is to get a handful of these out soon. When someone acquires one of the pieces, they give me permission to incorporate its identical counterpart into the sculpture on the right. So while the three of you may be able to complete the work now, that will change as more pieces make their way out into the world.

Again thanks for everything. I could not think of a better place to start this work. If you get a chance check back later in the summer to see how the work has grown. I hope you all have a greet Spring.


